eretro motors kit
Launching Soon

Meet The Team

Mr.Saket Dongre
Founder & Manging Director
Illuminar Ventures Pvt Ltd
BE Mechanical, & Year in Automotive

Mr.Surendra Bansod
Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer
Illuminar Ventures Pvt Ltd
PG Diploma Cyber Security,20+ Years in IT

Mr.Subhash Dongre
Non-Executive Director
Illuminar Ventures Pvt Ltd
Doctorate in Mallkhamb Sport,1st Investor
Supported By

Department of Science & Technology, NIDHI entrepreneurship in residence

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

AIC BAMU Aurangabad
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Incubation Center. Currently incubated

STP, Pune
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Incubation Centre, We were Incubeted under NIDHI-EIR

IFCI Venture Capital Fund Ltd
IFCI invested in Illuminar Venutres Pvt ltd under Ambedkar Social Innovation & Incubation Mission (ASIIM) Scheme.